The Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire (GPI, “grand prize of the Imaginary”), until 1992 the Grand Prix de la Science-Fiction Française, is a French literary award for speculative fiction, established in 1972 by the writer Jean-Pierre Fontana as part of the science fiction convention of Clermont-Ferrand.
Initially purely a science fiction award, the award’s scope was widened to encompass all fields of speculative fiction in 1992. From 2000 to 2010 it was awarded as part of the Utopiales festival in Nantes. It is now part of the Étonnants Voyageurs festival of Saint-Malo.
The shortlist for the 2019 Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire, honoring the best SF/F work published in France in 2018, has been announced:
French Novel
- BonheurTM, Jean Baret (Le Bélial’)
- Dernières fleurs avant la fin du monde, Nicolas Cartelet (Mü Éditions)
- Le Cycle de Syffe, tomes 1 & 2, Patrick K. Dewdney (Au diable vauvert)
- Rouille, Floriane Soulas (Scrineo)
- Les Pierres et les Roses, tomes 1 à 3, Elisabeth Vonarburg (Alire)
Foreign Novel
- Mémoires, par Lady Trent, volumes 1-5 [The Memoirs of Lady Trent: A Natural History of Dragons, The Tropic of Serpents, Voyage of the Basilisk, In the Labyrinth of Drakes, and Within the Sanctuary of Wings], Marie Brennan (L’Atalante)
- Luna, volumes 1 & 2 [Luna: New Moon and Luna: Wolf Moon], Ian McDonald (Denoël)
- Anatèm, volumes 1 & 2 [Anathem], Neal Stephenson (Albin Michel)
- Les Chroniques de St Mary, volumes 1 & 2 [The Chronicles of St Mary’s: Just One Damned Thing After Another and A Symphony of Echoes], Jodi Taylor (Hervé Chopin)
- Dans la toile du temps [Children of Time], Adrian Tchaikovsky (Denoël)
- Underground Airlines, Ben H. Winters (ActuSF)
French Short Fiction
- “H+”, Pierre Bordage (Dimension Technosciences @ venir 10/18)
- “Ex silentio”, Olivier Caruso (Bifrost 7/18)
- “La Déferlante des Mères”, Luc Dagenais (Solaris 7/18)
- “Le Patient aveugle”, Cécile Ladjali (L’Autre siècle)
Foreign Short Fiction
- “La vérité est une caverne dans les Montagnes noires” [The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains], Neil Gaiman (Signal d’alerte)
- “Voyage avec l’extraterrestre” [Touring with the Alien], Carolyn Ives Gilman (Bifrost7/18)
- “OrgHôtes” [HostBods], Tendai Huchu (Galaxies 9/18)
- “L’Obélisque martien” [The Martian Obelisk], Linda Nagata (Bifrost 1/18)
- “Retour à la maison” [The Homecoming], Mike Resnick (Galaxies 7/18)
French YA Novel
- Rhizome, Nadia Coste (Seuil Jeunesse)
- Les Plieurs de temps, tomes 1 à 4, Manon Fargetton (Rageot)
- Power Club, tomes 1 à 3, Alain Gagnol (Syros)
- La Mémoire des couleurs, Stéphane Michaka (Pocket Jeunesse)
- Roslend, tomes 1 à 3, Nathalie Somers (Didier Jeunesse)
Foreign YA Novel
- Diego et les rangers du Vastlantique [Timeless: Diego and the Rangers of the Vastlantic], Armand Baltazar (Bayard)
- L’Anti-magicien, tomes 1 & 2 [Spellslinger and Shadowblack], Sebastien de Castell (Gallimard Jeunesse)
- L’Ars Arcana [The Last Magician], Lisa Maxwell (Casterman)
- Shades of Magic, tomes 1 à 3 [A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows, and A Conjuring of Light], V.E. Schwab (Lumen)
- La Faucheuse, tomes 1 et 2 [Scythe and Thunderhead], Neal Shusterman (Robert Laffont)
Jacques Chambon Translation Prize
- Michelle Charrier for Les Livres de la Terre fracturée, tomes 1 à 3 [The Broken Earth trilogy: The Fifth Season, The Obelisk Gate, and The Stone Sky], N.K. Jemisin (Nouveaux Millénaires)
- Jacques Collin for Anatèm, tomes 1 & 2 [Anathem], Neal Stephenson (Albin Michel)
- Mélanie Fazi for Sixième du crépuscule [Sixth of the Dusk], Brandon Sanderson (Livre de Poche)
- Francis Guévremont for Invasion, Luke Rhinehart (Aux Forges de Vulcain)
- luvan for Amatka, Karin Tidbeck (La Volte)
Wojtek Siudmak Award for Art
- Armand Baltazar for Diego et les rangers du Vastlantique, Armand Baltazar (Bayard)
- Adrian Borda for Musiques d’Outre-mondes (Arkuiris)
- Nicolas Fructus for La Quête onirique de Vellitt Boe, Kij Johnson (Le Bélial’)
- Jamie Gregory for Marqués, Alice Broadway (Pocket jeunesse)
- Jeam Tag for Rétrofictions, Guy Costes & Joseph Altairac (Encrage)
- Dictionnaire de la fantasy, Anne Besson, director (Vendémiaire)
- Comment parler à un alien? Langage et linguistique en science-fiction, Frédéric Landragin (Le Bélial’)
- Libère-toi cyborg! le pouvoir transformateur de la science-fiction féministe, ïan Larue (Cambourakis)
- Hors des décombres du monde, Yannick Rumpala (Champ Vallon)
Prix Spécial
- Guy Costes & Joseph Altairac for their career as scholars and collectors for over 40 years, including their monumental work Retrofictions.
Winners will be awarded at the Étonnants Voyageurs festival in Saint-Malo France, June 9, 2019. For more information, see the official website.