, A Romanian SF Magazine Dedicated to the European Speculative Fiction : the Polish Speculative Fiction

After the issues dedicated to the speculative fiction  from The Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Greece (and international SF : Brazil and India), Fantastica, the Romanian Science Fiction&Fantasy Society’s Magazine, is presenting the Polish Science Fiction & Fantasy (Fantastica No.2/ 2015), another relevant European SFF. is continuing it’s project to present various European speculative fictions, showing their diversity, their richness and relevance. We’re thanking to all Polish friends that helped us create this issue. was the recipient of the BEST MAGAZINE AWARD (The European Science Fiction Society) in 2010 (the joint Polish - Czech 2010 EUROCON from Cieszyn - Český Těšín).

FANTASTICA nr.2/2015, the Magazine of  the Romanian Science Fiction&Fantasy Society

Polish Speculative Fiction


“The Futurology Congress” or the Contemporary Polish Speculative Fiction Scene After Lem” - Marcin Zwierzchowski

“Balloon for Solaris” - Tomasz Kolodziejczak

“SF or Phantasy Come to Grief. Looking Down on Science Fiction: A Novelist’s Choice for the World’s Worst Writing”- Stanisław Lem (excerpts)

“Philip K. Dick: “Stanisław Lem is a Communist Committee” - Matthew Davies

“A Short Look on the Polish SF”  - Ola Cholewa

“Planet Lem” - Cristian Tamas


A Dialogue with the Polish writer Jacek Dukaj - Cristian Tamas

Interview with the Polish Editor and Writer Jerzy Rzymowski - Cristian Tamas

Interview with Stanisław Lem - Twenty-two and two post-scriptumuri answers - Prof.Dr.Istvan Csicsery Ronay (De Pauw University, USA)


“Katedra” (Cathedral) - Jacek Dukaj

“Balsam długiego pożegnania” (The Balm of a Long Farewell) - Marek S. Huberath

Wróciee’ Sneogg, wiedziaam…” (Yoo Retoont, Sneogg. Ay Noo…) - Marek S. Huberath


Stanisław Lem’s „Golem XIV” – review by Irving T. Creve

 Stanisław Lem’s „Solaris” – review by Irving T. Creve

“SOLARIS” Screenings, Two Versions Distanced by 30 years and 10,000 km - Mircea Băduţ


Komiks w Polsce (The Polish Comic Strips) - Dodo Niță

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Fantastica no.1/2015 : Czech Speculative Fiction

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Fantastica no.4/2014 : Dutch Speculative Fiction

fantastica toamna 2014a

Fantastica no.3/2014 : German Speculative Fiction

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Fantastica no.2/2014 : French Speculative Fiction

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Fantastica no.1/2014 : Italian Speculative Fiction

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